Telematics has been the buzzword around motor insurance for the last few years.
Originally little black boxes that you plugged into your car, Telematics have become a lot more advanced and can now be downloaded onto your mobile phone. Typically Telematics records speed, acceleration, braking, cornering, distances travelled, time of day or night travelling occurs etc.. All of this helps the insurer to better understand the risk you may present behind the wheel and rate your policy accordingly.
Our online motor insurance will soon be offering you the option of purchasing a standard or telematics policy. You will get a discount for taking out this policy but you also have the chance of increasing this discount with your good driving, you could earn up to 20% further discount after 90 days depending on your driving score.
The telematics policy has some terms and conditions that will differ from your standard policy and it is important to understand these before committing to the policy.
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