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Revised Roadmap June 2020

Following the announcement on Friday June 19th, the Government Roadmap has been revised. Phase 3 is due to come into effect on 29 June 2020. Please read below for full details and click here for full further detail

The public health advice is:

Wash your hands
Practice good cough & sneeze etiquette
Stay 2m away from others
Avoid crowds
Know the symptoms


Regarding Transport & Travel, the revised Roadmap states the following:

“Walk or Cycle if possible


Public Transport:

Social distancing means that overall capacity remains restricted
Use public transport only for essential journeys
Face coverings should be worn
Avoid peak-time travel.


International Travel:

All non-essential overseas travel should be avoided
Passengers arriving from overseas are expected to self-isolate for 14 days
Passengers will also have to complete a form showing where they will self-isolate.


Tourist travel to offshore islands may resume.


Private Transport

Tour, event and private bus use, and vehicle hire, may recommence.”